Depression Test
Welcome to the Depression Test. The test is comprised of 18 questions related to your emotional, physical, and intellectual well-being. Designed by Dr. Ivan K. Goldberg, a prominent New York psychiatrist, this test is a quick-and-dirty self-assessment tool for anyone attempting to better understand their emotional health.
However!: It is important to remember that this is only a quick test for symptoms, and does not replace the diagnosis made by a face-to-face conversation with a trained and licensed mental health professional. If you score above the depression threshold on the test below, or — whatever your results — you suspect you may be suffering from depression, you owe it to yourself to speak with a professional.
Your Score:
Your Level of Depression:
How To Take The Depression Test
To take the Depression Test, find a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus without interruptions. The test consists of a series of statements related to common symptoms and feelings associated with depression, designed to reflect the individual’s experiences over the past week, including the day of the test. You’ll be asked to respond to each question with a selection from a scale that ranges from “not at all” to “very much so,” allowing them to gauge the frequency and severity of the symptoms you’re experiencing. It’s crucial that you answer as honestly and accurately as possible, reflecting on each question’s relevance to your recent state of mind and emotional well-being.
Once all questions have been answered, the scores are tallied according to the test’s scoring system, which will provide an initial indication of the presence and potential severity of depressive symptoms. However, it’s important to remember that the test is a screening tool and not a definitive diagnosis. Individuals who find themselves with a score suggesting moderate to severe depression are strongly encouraged to seek a professional evaluation from a qualified healthcare provider for a comprehensive assessment and guidance on appropriate treatment options.
The Usefulness of a Depression Test
These tests are a valuable tool for people navigating the complexities of mental health, particularly in identifying and understanding symptoms of depression. The Goldberg Test, Dr. Ivan K Goldberg, a practicing psychiatrist, author, and founder of the now-defunct website, developed the test with the aim to offer a preliminary assessment. this self-administered questionnaire provides a structured way for individuals to reflect on their emotional and psychological well-being over a specified period.
The usefulness of the test lies in its ability to bring awareness to potential depressive symptoms, serving as an early alert system for those who may not yet recognize the need for professional help. By facilitating self-awareness, a depression test encourages individuals to acknowledge their mental state, prompting a proactive approach towards seeking further evaluation and support. Moreover, its accessibility and simplicity make it an invaluable tool for demystifying depression, helping to reduce the stigma associated with mental health discussions and encouraging a more open dialogue about emotional well-being.
In practical terms, a depression test serves as a bridge between personal insight and professional healthcare intervention. For healthcare providers, it acts as an efficient preliminary screening tool that aids in identifying patients who may benefit from more in-depth psychological assessments or therapeutic interventions. This initial step is crucial in the diagnostic process, enabling clinicians to prioritize and tailor their approach based on the individual’s specific needs and symptoms.
Additionally, the test has found its application in broader mental health initiatives and research, offering a standardized method for collecting data on depression’s prevalence and impact across different demographics. Such information is vital for developing targeted public health campaigns, educational programs, and policies aimed at addressing mental health issues at the community and national levels. The test we use here on this site embodies a practical and user-friendly approach to mental health assessment, making it an essential tool for individuals seeking guidance and professionals dedicated to providing care.
Frequently Asked Questions
A depression test is a tool designed to help identify signs of depression in individuals. It assesses various symptoms related to mood, behavior, and physical well-being to screen for depression. While useful for preliminary self-assessment, it’s important to note that these tests do not replace a professional diagnosis but rather suggest whether further evaluation by a healthcare professional is recommended.
No, self-diagnosing with an online depression test is not reliable or recommended. These tests can provide insight into whether you might be experiencing symptoms of depression and encourage you to seek professional advice.
A depression test, especially those validated by clinical research like the one above, can be quite reliable as preliminary screening tools.
If a depression test indicates you might be experiencing symptoms of depression, the next step is to consult a healthcare provider for a professional evaluation.
There are several types of self-assessment depression test in existence. Most notably, the Goldberg depression test and the the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) are reliable and effective.
Stefani Trejo
Well… I only did this so I can see if I’m depressed or not because I dont know if I am.
I’m taking this test beacause I’ve had unexplained severe headaches and been feeling out of it.
Adriana Perez
Don’t most people have a stage where they are depressed though?
alysse parker
This was a great test
I must just be hitting puberty then
I got 85 % …..
…i need someone who cares
77 for me. Yippee
Kylie *****
I guess I have ‘severe depression’ no wonder…
How would you reference this test in APA format?
Does anybody know?
I got ?%. That explains my life. Even Goldbergs test thinks I am f’d up.
Midnight Alexandria
I got an 89… Eeh..
Adriana – if you have clinical depression, I think you will know it. Everybody gets ‘down’ or ‘blue’ at times, but this is very different from actual depression. Depression goes on, day after day after day.
I have felt sorta down lately… My best friend was ‘depressed’ however I didn’t think she truly was. I encouraged her not to cut/harm her self in any way and i feel weak for having the want/need to cut. I found out about this test so i decided to take it. I scored an 89% i never thought i would be considered depressed. But the guilt is taking over.
I only took this because a youtuber I watch (Laci Green) recommended it. Apparently I’m 73% depressed (Severe Depression). Now I just have to figure out what to do about it… yikes.
94% not surprised, but medication doesn’t work on me and therapists are easily manipulated. In fact it’s a sort of game I like to play. They think they are so smart but they can never see through the intricate web I wind them in. I walk out the office laughing only to go home and cry. I guess deep down I’m used to being this way.
No. It isint something everyone goes through but quite alot of people do. Again I’m not a doctor but I have 83’/, so I know what it feels like. It’s like a void of dark thoughts you can’t escape and you get alot…. that went a bit far but you get the message
I care
38%. But then, a lot of these symptoms have been going on for weeks…. Months even… But I don’t want to let anyone down by going to a therapist… I’m 5’4 abt. 100 pounds, think I’m fat, and often feel ignored, or like my friends don’t care about me. I honestly just want to hang out in my room on the Internet all the time, and often stay up really late, or wake up at least once during the night, then don’t go back to sleep for hours… I often feel unhappy as myself, and have attempted to cut. But almost all of my friends are like me, or worse, and I feel like my problems are trivial compared to there struggles… I need help, but I don’t want to be a burden
Although depression can arise when u start puberty, depression is much more.
I got a 94% and not surprised. Currently already on medication for both depression amd amxiety amd still answered honestly for my current now feelings. Meh
sadly…i know I’m depressed….i scored 67% and i haven’t been feeling myself, i rarely am ok near my friends and i used to be so happy around them but that all changed
Nerdy Otaku
I got 72%…But it’s okay. Life is bitter, but it’s a journey you can only live once, or remember anyways.
Luke Pearson
That awkward moment when you get 97% on this test…
Neeraj Gupta
94……I’ve at least learnt to stop myself from suicidal attempts… But I really need professional help… But due to some personal issues I’m not able to have a session.
The first time I took this, four years ago, my score was low. Mild depression.
Five hospitalizations and multiple suicide attempts later, severe depression.
Oh, I feel you. I got 83%….
I understand the feeling when almost all important people have disappeared from your life, you feel like there’s nobody you can trust fully, and it seems like there isn’t a person who cares. I just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried out antidepressants, but medicine doesn’t actually help. Love, understanding and close people is the best thing against depression…
That could just be the reasult of stress from work or school….or just a recent event
Ive taken this test maybe 10 times over the last 3 years, always has been up and down I literally got 100% so I think it might finally be time
Sturla Hovding
I got 100%….
I just got a 100. Maybe if I got that kind of score in my classes, I’d actually be happy with myself for once.
I got 89% so yeah… Just remember to hold on because no matter how little time you’ve been clean or how much you want to die life must get better
94% myself |:
If it makes anyone else feel better about their result; I got 100%. Yay for me.
Well, I don’t even think I’m diagnosed with depression, but some times and then, I would think really lowly of myself and blame myself. I would try to hide my feelings, and stop my worries. I have really low esteem, but I keep living on like this. But when i feel stressed out, I think about disappearing. And I keep thinking that I’m being too selfish and self-centered that I’m only focusing on myself, when there are so much other problems out there…
I use this and another online questionnaire called the QIDS to track my depression symptoms weekly. I’m doing that to show my psychiatrist the severity of the problem…pretty severe. I don’t think I have had a month without suicidal ideation since 2009…and I’ve come very close to attempting?
But the urges pass, I have better days, we keep adding to the pills…Psych med whack-a-mole.
I’ve been taking this test every month
I have a 94%. I take this once a month in order to check up on myself. I’m too afraid to tell the ones I love who surround me. What do I do?
Wow. 94 %. And i was sure that i was just feeling bad for myself. I honestly thought almost everyone else had it worse and i felt guilt just for being depressed.
Wow. 94 %. And i was sure that i was just feeling bad for myself. I honestly thought almost everyone else had it worse and i felt guilt just for being depressed. Wow.
Add me on kik iLoVeYoUbAbE11416
And I am here for you….I got 100% so…
I answered completely honestly, no exaggeration, no manipulation of the outcome and scored 94%! I double check this every few months out of personal interest/progress and have never reached over 75%. Slightly concerning ey. The point of me commenting though, is to say I believe depression is an on going unfortunate illness that fluctuates slightly – but doesn’t really go away. And depression is in no circumstance a normal part of life, as others have said-everyone gets down, but depression is an illness which should be treated like any other. Speak to someone, anyone rather than being a hypocrite like myself and checking an online test every 2 months aha. Stay strong x
Dana Walker
Im not sure how accurate this test is but I got a 100% I guess it is time to sit down face to face with someone who can help me.
I’m only 13 and I’m already 100% severely depressed…
Wow this is the first test where I scored a 100%
Wondering if there is anyone out there who deals with depression and dyslexia. I was diagnosed with dyslexia at a very young age, and depression when I was in middle school. I came across a book, “Dyslexia and Depression: the Hidden Sorrow” by: Neil Alexander-Passe, that got me thinking about how the two are correlated. Wondering if there is anyone else out there thinking, or feeling the same??
Haven’t taken this in a while and I’m at my highest-89% I knew that already though, ah well
How can I get out of depression if I never open up… I feel like a burden so I hold it inside like a water bottle…
I hope you go and get pefessional help! I am not able to since my mother doesn’t listen… and I can’t trust anybody…
I have severe depression, but I never tried to kill myself… I only feel very emty and cry a lot gor no reason, but I tell myself “stop being so foolish. You have no reason to feel sad or deppressed. You are being a big cry baby!” And now I am not sure anymore… I tell myself the same thing everday and I deny the fact that I am depressed even though I got 83% something must be wrong with the quiz!.
Exactly how I feel.. except I never attempted to cut..
89. Worked my way through most SSRIs, SNRIs and TCAs, would give anything to be me again.
last time I took this was about a year ago and I got a 77% now a year later I have a 100% the weird part is this week I’m finally going to tell my mom and get help because i’m sick of feeling this way
same. help me
the first time i did this i got 54% and now im all the way up to 94% i can tell its getting worse but i dont know who to go to so i can get the help i need. i dont want to let my mum down and my dad well lets just say he thinks depression and all the stuff in that area is a joke and the people who have that stuff should just suck it up so im scared to tell either of them.
Got 83% and to be honest not suprised. I want to get help but I don’t feel brave enough to ask for it. I know that sounds stupid but I feel I can’t tell anyone because regardless of whether they try to help me or not, I’m afraid they will always see me as a weak depressed 20 year old girl….and that terrifies me!
I got 100%. I’m taking medications right now, and college is starting. I don’t know if I will even survive the first year without killing myself.
There is a thing called concealed depression which I found out about. Google for details, v interesting. Think you would suspect if you were depressed without taking a test.
100% well shit. Tell me something I don’t know. If my insurance covered mental health I’d try to get help. But it doesn’t, and I don’t wanna pay the rest of my life for a mental hospital stay – as bad as I want and need one. Kind of messed up its hard to get the help you need.
94…last time i tested myself i scored around 60 and that was a couple of months ago..
94% but I didn’t answer as severely as I feel
I have cut, I have attempted to commit, my friends have too, I stay up until 7am and wake up at 4pm, I spend my day in my room, I only eat one meal a day at most, and when my parents realized something was wrong my mom cried a bit, said dont cut again, and did absolutely nothing to get me help, my dad did nothing.
And everybody at my school thinks that me and about half of my friends are faking it, and don’t even realize that some of my friends who seem super happy are actually dying inside and are just putting on a brave face.
I´ve taken this test for the last 2 years. Back then my score were between 83 and 85 I don´t recall clearly… Today I made the test again and got 72. I know it only has around 10% difference, but for the first time this number is actually dropping.
I got 100%. I took the test knowing what my score was going to be..I just took it for extra measures I guess. J already got my suicide note ready. I just need to figure out how I’m going to do it.
I scored 100%… That’s not very good.
About a year ago my result was 87 now its a 22. I’m on medication to help with my depression and anxiety. I feel much better than I did. I recommend seeing someone if you are depressed. They can really help. *Well the medication can but not the person to be honest*
I got a 94% … why not make it a hundred?
78% eh. Not even surprised a piece of shit like me got such a score. And a coward who can’t do what he wanted to do the most.
I fucked up. Severe depression, just like I thought..
I got 100%… On the bright side this is the first time I aced a test in my life haha
Well that’s scary.
The only test I’ve ever gotten a 100% on
I took the test and got a 100%. I’m getting worse.
I got 100%…
Niels Sigaard
I took the test and honestly.
Got 94 %
Only suicide was not a part of it
I got a 94% on this test, and Im only 14, I am in need of some major help. I am watching my mom die slowly over 5 years, and im also watching my family members do absolutely nothing to help us. I am taking medicine, but I still want to die. I just needed to talk, so I wrote this to help me stay alive, or so that I dont attempt suicide again.
Well, I got a 61% (Severe depression) and I’m a bit surprised. I’ve been doing tests like this only for hypotetic situations and because I like mental health topics, but yeah, although I saw myself as a ”happy” person, I’ve had some quiet symptoms through the years, I’ve talked to medicated people and some psychologists, and they said that I should take a mental evaluation to see if it’s just a moment of puberty or if I’m really going down. I mean, since I was a little boy I have some anxiety issues, and recently I found out about Obssesive-Compulsive and Narcissistic attitudes and symptoms, and they suit me really well. I’m confused and scared.
I used to do the same, my therapist thought she knew me completely, but I lied to her… I stopped going there, but then things got bad, I started to feel the symptoms of depression, then I took this test, also got 94%.
I got a 94% lol
August Clarke
Hehe… I got 100%
Cerrina Foster
I get you, I got a 94%, so if you want to talk just email me or something. I could use someone to talk to as well. I hate having depression. I’ve had it for about seven years now. It started when I was ten. Usually my score or level is in the sixties or early seventies, but I’ve been feeling worse, and worse and so I decided to check it, apparently It got really bad.
Cerrina Foster
94% and I’m only seventeen, what the hell is wrong with me? God, You would think that I’d be able to handle this crap, but I guess I was wrong. I don’t know what to do. Normally I just hide my emotions, I guess I’m used to it. After all, I have lived in a house where it was never noticed when I was frustrated, or sad, or anything like that. Oh no, so, I guess I just am asking for someone to talk to. My Aunt, whom I live with now, is trying to get my Medical switched over, but until then I can’t see a Psychologist or Psychiatrist. The unfortunate thing is, I don’t like to burden family, and I don’t have many friends, so, ya. I guess, just, a few inspirational words. I don’t know. It was probably stupid to ask, but, ya, whatever.
Yup, 94% club. Also on two antidepressants, plus another for anxiety. I know you posted a year ago, but I hope you’re better now.
I got 67%..
I got a 100…
I wanna know if I was depressed. I did many tests and this one spoke the truth to me.
I recommend you to look for a dysthimia test.
I got 78%, i’ve been taking this test for a couple of months now and it keeps increasing
I have already been diagnosed with chronic clinical depression, type 1 bipolar disorder, and they keep telling me that I have DID(split personality disorder) which is hard for me to grasp. Especially when they say that makes me crazy which I don’t believe. So getting a 100% doesn’t really surprise me. I guess I’ve just been so depressed for so long that I don’t know how to be happy. The medication never worked so I stopped taking it months ago. I just want to be genuinely happy for more than a day and not on some high, and definitely not a low.
i feel ad and ‘numb’ to everything. I probably have depression. I got a 100% on this test (first test i ever scored full marks on)
I got 100%. So if you need any help. I’m here…….
I totally know what you mean. I did that a lot when I was younger. I can give you a little insight if wanted.
No one is a burden when they are struggling through something like this. And if someone says you are, leave them immediately. I know that the only person to cure you of your insecurities is you, but maybe the fact that 100lb for 5’4 is actually the average. So your not underweight or overweight. Getting good sleep is the upmost important thing regarding depression. Start by trying to set an alarm when you wake up. And don’t force yourself to sleep, but don’t force your self to stay awake either.
You’ve already taken the first step and got medication. And maybe you can try a therapist too, but that does require trust. The only advice I can think to give you is to just to do things that make or made you happy. And try not to do the things that make you unhappy. Surrounding yourself with good things versus bad things reflects much more positively.
Why is that? Maybe I can help.
Time for what? Please let me help you.
We should talk. I’d like to hear about it from your perspective, because I believe our depressions are different.
I scored a 100%. We should talk I’d like to hear about depression from a males perspective.
I don’t think there’s any advice I can give you because you seem to be moving in the right direction. 🙂 But if you have any questions I’d be happy to answer.
I’m not sure if I can give you any advice right now due to the lack of information in your comment but if you have any questions I’d be more than happy to answer.
I’m not sure if I can give you any advice right now due to the lack of information in your comment but if you have any questions I’d be more than happy to answer.
I scored a 100% and while it’s not over yet I’ve basically been through the whole thing. I’m not sure if I can give you any advice right now due to the lack of information in your comment but if you have any questions I’d be more than happy to answer.
Try taking again. 🙂
I got a high score to, and I’m not sure if I can give you any advice right now due to the lack of information in your comment but if you have any questions I’d be more than happy to answer.t
I got a high score to, and I’m not sure if I can give you any advice right now due to the lack of information in your comment but if you have any questions I’d be more than happy to answer.
94% can’t do anything about it thought
Okay, I only got 33% which is not really that bad. And TBH, I am happy. Only I feel down at times, it has been happening a lot recently. Maybe it’s just stress from school. Tho, I do hope everyone here gets better. I know it doesn’t really help but nobody deserves to feel like this. No one. And you shouldn’t think any less of yourselves. I have no experience with depression and I don’t know how it feels like. But I do know that it’s really really bad and I’m really sad to see these people feeling like this. If you think you don’t deserve to live, you’re wrong. Everybody deserves to live and have their journey. And if you think you’re not loved, you’re wrong. Your true friends will love you no matter what. Your friends on the internet. Heck, probably even a stranger cares. Just know that a lot of people will be there for you. 🙂
I got 100%, damn. Always keeping up that good academic work, even on something like this.
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This test can also be useful to check periodically to see if the symptoms of depression are improving, or getting worse, as any change of 5 points or more in either direction is considered to be significant.
I got a 33%. Yippee.
That awkward moment when you get 100% on this test…
I feel lonely sometime
I am being bullied and I have been really tired so I took the test and I have Seaver depression 🙁
same but mine is 62% I keep thinking about suiside
100% it’s only a matter of time and I can’t wait
83% Honestly, I thought it’d be higher.
Feel ya, i got 94%
I got 58%….damn
89% … I feel ya
Eleanor H
I got a 94%, I have been wondering about it for ages but couldn’t be bothered to consult anyone…
I got 94℅… This is great*sarcasm*
I care Ravens
dude i got 83 too… is it really true? cuz i didnt think it was that bad
hey still there? if you want we can talk ya?
83%, already on medication. I feel numb just going through the motions. Suicide is not an option. I conceal depression so well. Today I don’t want to get out of bed or be responsible for anything or anyone….pressing on and pressing through…nothing is about me
WOO 100%
I feel the same way… I scored 50%. To be honest, I’ve always felt pretty bad about myself since I was a child, and I guess it manifested into something more serious when I attempted to ignore what I was feeling. My dad caught me during one of my weakest moments and forced me to go see a doctor. Apparently my depression was bad enough that they recommended me an anti-depression medication and a counsellor. Even though there is plenty of proof that I am depressed, I’m still having doubts. I feel like I can’t trust them nor myself to tell me the truth. Tbh, I’m feeling so conflicted right now and I don’t know what to do… I know that I need help, but I keep pushing people away when all I really want is for someone to hug me and tell that everything will be alright. I desperately want someone to love me, but I don’t know how to say that without feeling like I don’t deserve it…
94 no surprise. I just don’t t care anymore for anything my future is bleak(haven’t worked in 18 months,) I feel like a failure, I hate myself (ive been cutting) im tired physically and mentally all the time.
I just feel numb, i just don’t care anymore (no motivation at all i just stay in bed) people and family don’t understand(calling me lazy and say im weak, I hate them!) Then thoughts of killing myself wonder through every DAMN day… I really don’t see a future for myself at all!
this test just proved what I’ve known for a long time and my mother refuses to believe, I got 100% as I seem to get on every test I take and yet my mother still doesn’t believe me to be suffering with depression even though all the signs are there…
I got a 100%. Whoopdeedoo.
Adam Healy
You have friends? Lucky.
. Monique
79% … Hmm I feel like my life is being controlled an when I need someone to talk to everyone pretends they care then goes off telling everyone
I feel the same.. I got 75%
I feel the same.. I got 75%
haha u stupet! I got an 83% so im pretty much a docter now ! hahs ha dum dum I am clinical depress. haha u dont even sspaek spanish !!!!!!
I got 100%. Wow. I’m fucked up in the head. Gotta love life.